Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rewind: Mini Vacation - York Beach, Maine

In August 2014, I went on a mini vacation to York Beach, Maine. Ricky, his sister Annie, and I took the 4 and a half hour trip to this cozy beach town. We stayed at the family vacation home of Annie's boyfriend, and the location was ideal- a 10 minute walk to the beach! 

Day 1

The three of us left New York City a bit late- and by the time we reached New Hampshire, it was 8:00pm and we were starving! We were so close to eating at the Wendy's we stopped at, but we were surprised to see a Cracker Barrel right next door to it! Coming from the city, we have never seen these around, and to be honest, I have never heard of it until that day. The restaurant was connected to a themed gift shop, and the decor had a very western flair. The menu was entirely comprised of comfort food- just what we needed! 

The portions were generous, so we really only needed two meals to share between the three of us. We ordered rainbow trout and fried chicken. We also ordered a side of fried okra.
Okras are green seed pods that have a slightly fuzzy exterior and a slimy texture inside. It's a very unique vegetable. When it is deep fried, it adds a whole new dimension to the texture and flavor, making it the best treat! The first time I had ever tried fried okra was in Key West, Florida, and I thought it was the most amazing thing, so I was excited for Ricky and Annie to sample it for the first time.
...I'm not entirely sure if they were used to the texture, but I ended up eating most of them.
We finally reached the house when it was close to 11:00pm, The house was beautiful, and in a friendly community. I was very grateful to be able to stay in such a comfortable setting. It was very late once we settled in, so we were more than happy to go straight to bed.

Day 2

Outfit and Makeup:
I wore an open knit gray sweater over a romper dress. I paired this with brown brogues and my Coach Classic bag. For the makeup, I used a sample of the Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream in Blooming Fit. It had a medium coverage and seemed promising at first, but it was very drying and uncomfortable, so unfortunately I had to remove it within an hour. 

Today was the day for the fun local activities. Our first stop was the zoo! I really like how everything is walking distance from the house. The zoo was only 15 minutes away. To get to the entrance of the zoo, you have to go through a carnival/theme park. If I was 10 years younger, I would probably be having the time of my life at the park. But my priority was for the animals.

The zoo is very different compared to the Bronx Zoo in NYC. In the Bronx Zoo, most of the habitats are set back at least 30 feet or so- to put enough space between the visitor and the animals for a moat. Here, the animals were on display in enclosures that were right along the paths. This allows everyone to see the animals at a much closer distance. 


I saw many animals- some were stoic and unmoving. Others were playful and jumpy. The monkeys were especially active here. Many of them were exercising and play fighting with each other. I have never seen more energetic monkeys in person. Many others were intrigued by their activity as well, because the monkeys were all able to attract crowds of people.

I was the happiest when I fed the deer at the petting zoo. Their large, beady eyes are hard to resist. I was one of the few who were willing to get their hands dirty. It wasn't until it was too late did I realize there were no sinks nearby- only hand sanitizer. I had pumped myself quite a considerable amount before I felt "sanitized".

Ricky was really excited to see the white tiger. A lot of other people were too, because it was very difficult to find a space to squeeze into for the best view. The tiger was napping out of view when we arrived, but we were lucky enough to see her walk out from behind her boulder.
She is beautiful, and it seems like she knows it too! She was definitely posing for everyone's pictures. 
This zoo had many nice surprises. We made our way to the butterfly garden, and the path leading to the exhibit was a cute and romantic garden. It comprised of a meandering path with a vast amount of plants and flowers of all kinds. I really liked the arbour benches. They are the perfect addition to a beautiful garden.

With the zoo closing in 30 minutes, we headed toward the pedal boats. It was my first time working them, and it was a lot of fun! The best part was that we were able to ride right next to all of the ducks in the pond. At one point, I pedaled too hard and I went veering toward a group of ducks! Most of them moved away, but I accidentally nudged one that was asleep. It woke up and seemed slightly startled at the large boat that was right next to it. The duck moved away unharmed, and I got a good laugh out of it. 

Annie and Tim pedal boating

On the way out, the guys were intrigued by the batting cages. Tim decided to have a go at it, and swung and hit all 10 balls that were lunged toward him. 
It was Ricky's first time swinging a bat (at a ball), and he managed to hit around half of the balls. That was quite good for a first timer. I had declined to play, only because I knew I would be making a fool out of myself. (haha)

The four of us walked back to the house to gain our energy back. We decided to end the day with ice cream and a view of Nubble Light, the lighthouse of York Beach. 

Brown's Old Fashioned Ice Cream is a very popular place for both locals and tourists. It was quite late, but the lines to the counter were long. Each person took their time deciding what to order. This was tough because there were just SO MANY selections! I spent a good 5 minutes reading them all.

Tim's favorite was the blueberry, and since Maine is the state for blueberries, I decided to try it, along with the blackberry flavor. I'm more of a chocolate fan, but the blueberry was fresh and delicious! Ricky got his favorite- cookies and cream and cookie dough. With our ice cream in hand, we headed to the lighthouse and beach.

Even though it was August, it was very cold in Maine. My sweater was not enough to keep me warm, and the ice cream I was eating did not help with warming me up. With the sun setting quickly, the temperature dropped, and the wind picked up. This is typical in Maine, I suppose. 

Despite the cold, the view was exceptional. The air in Maine is so fresh and crisp, and even the water smelled nice. This beach is not a sandy one. It has large rock formations and boulders piled on top of each other. We showed off our balance by hopping over and across these rocks while eating our ice cream.

I was expecting to be able to walk up the the lighthouse, so it surprised me to see that it is situate on its own island, away from the beach. We all took turns trying to figure out how people can get on and off the island. By boat seems the most logical, although it looked very rock and steep along the perimeter. There were also large suspension cables that stretched across the water, connecting the two land forms. This is obviously used somehow for supplies and maybe even people, but it was too cold for us to ponder for too long. 
Soon, the sun had disappeared completely beyond the horizon, letting us know it was time to go back. We hiked back up the rocks to the car. I was a little less graceful on the way up.

Day 3

Seafood and beach view.
Today was a lazy day. It was chilly and cloudy outside. The four of us stayed in for the morning. Annie and Tim went out for a run, while Ricky and I went to get lobster rolls for brunch. We took a walk on the road adjacent to the beach, and went into the first place that sold them. It was a deli/convenience store, and even though the seating wasn't the most ideal, the food seemed promising. We ordered a lobster roll to share, as well as their "Award Winning Clam Chowder". The lobster roll was delicious; probably the best I've eaten so far. The clam chowder was slightly like a stew. It was good, but I prefer my chowder to be creamier.

Next, the two of us went out to the busier part of town. It has everything you would expect in a community by the beach. The atmosphere seemed nostalgic, for the stores were all in traditional style buildings. Our destination was The Goldenrod. It's an old fashioned candy store and diner. Here, they make fresh saltwater taffy! The candy making process is all displayed behind windows, so it is common for the views to be packed with tourists. It's very hard to look away from the taffy pulling machine- it's mesmerizing! (Someone started speaking when I began recording, but what she says seems appropriate. Haha!)


It took us a while before we actually went inside the store... we were hypnotized! The candy store is always crowded; packed with families and many happy children. Here, they sell candy of all kinds- not just saltwater taffy. You can buy treats per piece or by the pound. There was even a section that specialized in Maine Blueberries. I picked out a variety of the most random treats, from Krabby Patty gummies to blueberry tea. I also got myself a sampler bag of saltwater taffy, so I could get a taste of everything.

Once we got back to the house, we set off for a kayaking lesson! This seemed to be the vacation of first-time activities, because Ricky and I have never gone kayaking, either. We drove to the harbor and met with our instructor and another friendly couple. I was excited to see that they had tandem kayaks. This means there can be two seated in one!

All of the ladies took the front seat in each kayak. The lighter person is recommended to be seated up front for better balance and power. Setting off was an interesting experience, and not what I expected. We waded calf-deep into the water before we stepped into the kayak. The inside of the kayak was bound to get wet from paddling anyway, so it didn't matter that we were trodding water onto our seats. Paddling was also something we had to get used to. We were taught to pull and push in a specific motion, and we were also given tips on how to steer- stick one end of the paddle into the water to propel you in a certain direction. Ricky and I were probably the least experienced of everyone, so the moment we kicked off, we started moving in awkward curves. We even pushed ourselves back to shore! I caught on to the methods a bit faster, so I guided while Ricky powered forward. Once I felt confident, I was able to pull out my camera and snap some pictures!

View from the front of the kayak

Our guide gave us a little tour of the harbor, and we tried to go with the current for easy paddling. There were many beautiful estates with their own private docks along the shore, and the houses looked like mansions! When I mentioned that we were going to get wet, I wasn't kidding. We were soaked. When you paddle, water is drawn up with your upward motion, and it drips down your arms. I was wearing a thick sweater, so my sleeves got so heavy with water that I was able to ring it out! This was also a great upper body workout. Towards the end, I was too sore to keep up my pace, but Ricky was nice enough to do the work for the both of us while I rested.

Kayaking really is a lot of fun, Even though you'll get drenched and your skin and hair will become salty, it's all worth it!

Day 4

Today was our last day in York Beach. Tim's parents came over in the afternoon to see Tim participate in a triathlon that was taking place next morning in the next town over. The weather was nice for a change. It was sunny and warm. We ate lunch together and then the four of us went to the beach to relax. None of us planned on going into the water, but that didn't stop us from wading ankle-deep into it. 


I'm really going to miss the natural beauty of the Maine coast. York Beach has the feel of a perpetual vacation, and fresh seafood is never hard to find. I'd love to come back on an even warmer time of the year, and I am getting myself a box of blueberry saltwater taffies when I do!

♥ Thank you for reading

Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

Last Saturday was the fifth Valentine's Day Ricky and I have spent together. Oddly enough, this was the first time where we had actually gone out to celebrate it. The two of us don't take this "holiday" too seriously, but this year, Ricky thought it would be nice to take me to Tuscan Hills! It is located in Forest Hills along Queens Boulevard. I have never noticed it before, but there are a lot of Italian restaurants down that road.I wasn't sure how he even picked this one out of the rest of them, but I figured it must have been from reviews online. It has a 4 star rating on Yelp, so it seemed like a solid choice.

Tuscan Hills has many positive reviews on Yelp, and while I was looking for their menu, I discovered a cute background story. While the restaurant was under construction, workers discovered a beautiful brick wall, which apparently was a very painstaking job to uncover. With their persistence, the wall became exposed, and even though some of the bricks were damaged in the process, their method of covering their mistakes sure is interesting. Throughout the nicely decorated interior, you can find many knickknacks that pay homage to traditional Italian decor. You can read about it on their website!

The two of us arrived at 7pm, and it was a very short drive from my house. It was very busy inside, and everyone seemed too busy to come to us. This of course, was because it was Valentine's Day. We were seated after 10-15 minutes after we arrived.

Calamari Fritti

We decided to start off our dinner with the calamari fritti. It is a filling plate of fried calamari, which also comes with a generous dish of chili pepper dipping sauce. 
Ricky got fettuccine gamberi e zucchine- a classic, and one of the more popular dishes. It is a fettuccine dish with shrimp and zucchini tossed in a saffron sauce. The both of us thought this dish was really good!
My main dish was the fusilli alla boscaiola. This is a dish with fusilli pasta, spicy sausage, cherry tomatoes, and mushrooms in a light tomato sauce. I read many positive reviews on the sausage here, and I must agree with them. Everything was seasoned so well. 
Fettuccine Gamberi e Zucchine and Fusilli Alla Boscaiola
We only ordered three dishes, but all of the food was so filling! I had only gone through half of my pasta before I felt full. I was very tempted to try their fish stew, which is widely raved about. The single portion looked HUGE, so I knew it would have to wait until next time. I would definitely consider coming back. The prices are reasonable, and the food is delicious and filling.

Thank you for reading!


Saturday, September 20, 2014

{Review} Etude House Collagen Gel Eye Mask - With Before and After Pictures


This nose pack is from my Etude House Haul from my trip to Taiwan. I bought these along with the Greentea Nose Pack, my review of it is (here). These were also buy 3, get 3 free, so these came out to $1.50 each! I thought these would be great to use once school starts; my eye bags always need some extra care during that time.

  • InstructionsRemove clear film from patches and fasten adhesive sides to areas beneath the eyes. Remove patches after 30 minutes.
  • Packaging: Aside from the foil packets with the adorable illustration, I really appreciated how the patches were contained. Both patches came in a folded plastic container. Each patch was also separated with plastic films. This makes it far more hygienic. 5/5 
  • Fit: Prior to my application, I put these patches in the fridge to chill. The cooling effect was great, and it felt amazing. The gel patches have great adhesive properties. They stayed on my face for the entire time. I kept them on for one hour, even though the instructions said 30 minutes.  5/5
  • Scent: The scent was very fresh and slightly floral. It had a very typical Etude House smell that I just can't put my finger on. It is very pleasant and not strong at all. 4/5
  • Duration: As I mentioned before, I kept these on for twice the amount of time. These were very easy to wear, and I was able to go about my regular activities with these plastered on. The gel material stayed soft and moist during the entire time. :)
  • Removal: The removal was simple; there was no need to rinse off anything. I just peeled them off and patted the rest of the serum into my skin. 

Here are the results:


The differences are slightly difficult to see, but some of the fine lines on my bags did go away. From the smiling pictures, it may look like my bags got bigger, but it is really because I smiled differently. it can be seen that some of the wrinkles have been erased. I don't expect the results to last more than 2-3 weeks, but I'm confident that with prolonged use of this product, the wrinkles can improve.

  • Affordable
  • Cute and hygienic packaging
  • Stays on face and doesn't dry out
  • Reduces fine lines
  • Easy to use
  • none
Will I purchase this again? Yes, this was very soothing, and I will use this more often on days after I stay up late working on assignments.

Thank you for reading! Please check out my Etude House Haul for links to more reviews.


Disclaimer: I bought all of these products myself.
My statements on the products are my true opinions.
You are welcome to share my pictures, as long as the watermark is not removed.

{Review} Trader Joe's 100% Pure Coconut Water - Single Origin

My latest trip to my local Trader Joe's brought me back with their 100% Pure Coconut Water. I absolutely love the taste of plain coconut water without any added flavors- it is really refreshing! I often use coconut water as a replacement for energy drinks. I always feel more awake and energized after a glass of coconut water. It's a healthy and delicious alternative that doesn't make you crash.

Trader Joe's sells two other brands of coconut water- Zico and the other Trader Joe's brand. There are pros and cons to both of those drinks. They both taste good, but the water seems to be processed to the point where the taste becomes slightly tart, instead of milky. 

This small bottle was much more expensive; it cost $3.99. I figured that this had to be delicious!


  • Packaging: This comes in a 12FL oz. plastic bottle. It is rectangular with rounded edges. The design is very clean and simple. It's refreshing to see that they didn't try to overwhelm the bottle with unecessary colors and designs.
  • Color: While my bottle had the familiar translucent and milky white color, there is a message on the back that informs you of the possible rosy colors it can become. The reddish color may concern some people at first, but it in facts occurs naturally, so it is completely normal and okay to drink.
  • Scent: The scent was very light and it smelled of coconut (of course!). It smelled just like a freshly cracked coconut!
  • Taste: This is everything that I hoped for! It was nothing like the Zico's slightly sour coconut water; Instead, it tasted very much like the Harmless Harvest's 100% Raw Coconut Water. The taste was milky and slightly floral. Simply delicious.
I tried my best to drink it in moderation in order to savor it... but that didn't work out. I drank it all within 20 minutes. 

Will I purchase this again? Yes, yes, yes!

Disclaimer: I bought all of these products myself.

My statements on the products are my true opinions.

You are welcome to share my pictures, as long as the watermark is not removed.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

{Review} Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack - With Before and After Pictures

This nose pack is from my Etude House Haul from my trip to Taiwan. I have used the Biore brand of nose strips before, but that was years ago, before I started developing clogged pores. There was a deal for these at the store; they were buy 3, get 3 free, which brought them down to $0.50 USD each! I also liked that there was green tea extract in the nose pack.

  • InstructionsWet nose with water. Remove clear film from pack and fasten adhesive side to nose. Remove strip when dry.

  • PackagingThe illustration on the foil is absolutely adorable, and the pink colors are a plus. 5/5
  • FitThe glue on the strip gets tacky quite fast, so you need to work quickly to push the strip around your nose so that it touches your skin. Overall, it fit me quite well, but as you can see, there were some spots that I just couldn't reach - such as the tip of my nose and around the sides. But it's most likely because I don't have a long nose. xD 4/5
  • ScentWhile I do enjoy the smell of green tea, the fragrance was very strong. It not only smelled of strong green tea, but it also smelled of Asian herbs... that's the best I can describe it. I have read many reviews where people have claimed to really love how it smells, and while it is bearable, I wouldn't say it's my favorite. 3/5
  • Drying TimeThe packaging does not state how long it will take to dry, but these nose packs usually need a waiting time of 10-15 minutes. I waited about 15 minutes for mine to dry completely. It took a bit longer because I re-wet mine to get it to stick to the tip of my nose.
  • RemovalAs usual, peeling it off was the best part! It barely hurt, and I was able to see the small bumps of blackheads and sebum that were pulled out. I had a few globs of glue that remained around the sides of my nose, so that had to be rinsed off with water.

Here are the results:

The top row displays my nose before, and the bottom row shows it right after.

Yikes. The condition of my nose before was pretty bad, but I am very glad that the nose pack cleared a lot of it up! There are of course some areas that weren't cleaned out as much, but the blackheads in those areas seemed to have been raised. I can probably get rid of those after 1-2 more packs.

  • Affordable
  • Cute and sanitary packaging
  • Removes most blackheads
  • Tightens pores
  • Easy to use
  • Smell may be slightly overwhelming
  • Globs of glue may be separated from the strip and left behind
Will I purchase this again? Yes, the price is very reasonable, and the results are effective. The Etude House store on is a great deal, even with shipping.

Thank you for reading! Please check out my Etude House Haul for links to more reviews.

Disclaimer: I bought all of these products myself.
My statements on the products are my true opinions.
You are welcome to share my pictures, as long as the watermark is not removed.