Saturday, September 20, 2014

{Review} Etude House Collagen Gel Eye Mask - With Before and After Pictures


This nose pack is from my Etude House Haul from my trip to Taiwan. I bought these along with the Greentea Nose Pack, my review of it is (here). These were also buy 3, get 3 free, so these came out to $1.50 each! I thought these would be great to use once school starts; my eye bags always need some extra care during that time.

  • InstructionsRemove clear film from patches and fasten adhesive sides to areas beneath the eyes. Remove patches after 30 minutes.
  • Packaging: Aside from the foil packets with the adorable illustration, I really appreciated how the patches were contained. Both patches came in a folded plastic container. Each patch was also separated with plastic films. This makes it far more hygienic. 5/5 
  • Fit: Prior to my application, I put these patches in the fridge to chill. The cooling effect was great, and it felt amazing. The gel patches have great adhesive properties. They stayed on my face for the entire time. I kept them on for one hour, even though the instructions said 30 minutes.  5/5
  • Scent: The scent was very fresh and slightly floral. It had a very typical Etude House smell that I just can't put my finger on. It is very pleasant and not strong at all. 4/5
  • Duration: As I mentioned before, I kept these on for twice the amount of time. These were very easy to wear, and I was able to go about my regular activities with these plastered on. The gel material stayed soft and moist during the entire time. :)
  • Removal: The removal was simple; there was no need to rinse off anything. I just peeled them off and patted the rest of the serum into my skin. 

Here are the results:


The differences are slightly difficult to see, but some of the fine lines on my bags did go away. From the smiling pictures, it may look like my bags got bigger, but it is really because I smiled differently. it can be seen that some of the wrinkles have been erased. I don't expect the results to last more than 2-3 weeks, but I'm confident that with prolonged use of this product, the wrinkles can improve.

  • Affordable
  • Cute and hygienic packaging
  • Stays on face and doesn't dry out
  • Reduces fine lines
  • Easy to use
  • none
Will I purchase this again? Yes, this was very soothing, and I will use this more often on days after I stay up late working on assignments.

Thank you for reading! Please check out my Etude House Haul for links to more reviews.


Disclaimer: I bought all of these products myself.
My statements on the products are my true opinions.
You are welcome to share my pictures, as long as the watermark is not removed.

{Review} Trader Joe's 100% Pure Coconut Water - Single Origin

My latest trip to my local Trader Joe's brought me back with their 100% Pure Coconut Water. I absolutely love the taste of plain coconut water without any added flavors- it is really refreshing! I often use coconut water as a replacement for energy drinks. I always feel more awake and energized after a glass of coconut water. It's a healthy and delicious alternative that doesn't make you crash.

Trader Joe's sells two other brands of coconut water- Zico and the other Trader Joe's brand. There are pros and cons to both of those drinks. They both taste good, but the water seems to be processed to the point where the taste becomes slightly tart, instead of milky. 

This small bottle was much more expensive; it cost $3.99. I figured that this had to be delicious!


  • Packaging: This comes in a 12FL oz. plastic bottle. It is rectangular with rounded edges. The design is very clean and simple. It's refreshing to see that they didn't try to overwhelm the bottle with unecessary colors and designs.
  • Color: While my bottle had the familiar translucent and milky white color, there is a message on the back that informs you of the possible rosy colors it can become. The reddish color may concern some people at first, but it in facts occurs naturally, so it is completely normal and okay to drink.
  • Scent: The scent was very light and it smelled of coconut (of course!). It smelled just like a freshly cracked coconut!
  • Taste: This is everything that I hoped for! It was nothing like the Zico's slightly sour coconut water; Instead, it tasted very much like the Harmless Harvest's 100% Raw Coconut Water. The taste was milky and slightly floral. Simply delicious.
I tried my best to drink it in moderation in order to savor it... but that didn't work out. I drank it all within 20 minutes. 

Will I purchase this again? Yes, yes, yes!

Disclaimer: I bought all of these products myself.

My statements on the products are my true opinions.

You are welcome to share my pictures, as long as the watermark is not removed.